MTF v decembri úspešne ukončila riešenie regionálneho CSA projektu V4+ACARDC, ktorý spolufinancoval Medzinárodný vyšehradský fond, v ktorom fakulta viedla pod hlavičkou UIAM šesť akademických subjektov z krajín V4 a Ukrajiny (zo Slovenska aj STU-FEI). Vprojekte sa sformovalo V4-konzorcium pre Horizont 2020 a v rámci vyhľadávania partnerov sa získal prehľad o konkurencieshopnosti MTF, resp. STU v oblasti integrovania IT do akademického vzdelávania, čo o.i. patrí medzi priority výskumu EU. V rámci projektu sa vytvoril technologický systém kolaboratívne prepájajúci klaudy a počítače, ktorý prepája softvér vyvinutý na MTF využívajúci dva úžitkové vzory....
The Provision of Financial Resources from the International Visegrad Fund's Strategic Grant No. 21810100
V4+ Academic Research Consortium integrating databases, robotics and languages technologies
The proposed sustainable V4+ Academic Research Consortium will tackle regional problems related to EU ICT research priorities in several issues: Partner search for Horizon 2020, building of the digital platforms of the future, language barriers, technology-enhanced learning, scientific cultural heritage, know-how exchange
WP1 +WP2 : Partner search ==> Shared expertize = ICT for Education :: no Horizon calls for ICT for EDU :: potential succes could be in Research Infrastructure (a consultation with top management is needed - recommanded for checking it by universities' project managers)
WP3 : Educational technology shared infrastructure has been built: BOX Cloud + Virtual Machine MTF with Windows 10 + WEB-page (as well, internal possibility in STU: MS Sharepoint was tested)
WP4: Partners presented outputs from modeling the educational packges, V4+/English multilingual output, V4+ info-science, modul Writer, internet retrievals, language corpus - outputs were produced by WPadV4 which using wastrained for menu items V4-Box --- a delivery plan was discussed for September --- WPad was presented as all-in-one multi-purpose educational software --- video AShampoo video-tutorials were instructed
WP5: STU-FEI has presented Android applications for mobile: the text ouputs from WPadV4 which are sent to WEB-page were spoken from the mobile in English - MTF-STU presented WPadV4 as a personalized memory system : a UTILITY MODEL was proposed to the Slovak patent office - a potential use IROB robots for support of visually impaired people was suggested and will be checked
Future progress: the resulted models should be tested and implemented, so, project should continue in the form of regional V4+ digital network, including embeding V4+ students and public service (EDU-applications - Scientific information - pre-internet cultural Heritage - V4+ language corpora - collaboratively built and shared V4+/English teaching texts and materials) Explanation: V4+ACARD-consortium has designed and tested "how to do it" and now it shoud be solved "how to implement and disseminate it" in V4+ countries including the utility model exploiting
V4+ACARDC's workshop in Trnava on 5-6. September succesful :: Academic Research Consortium integrating databases, robotics and languages technologies
The planned V4+ACARDC's final project workshop in Trnava on 5-6. September is comming - V4+ Academic Research Consortium integrating databases, robotics and languages technologies Workshop Agenda
Focus is on Partner search for Horizon 2020, building of the digital platforms of the future, elimination of language barriers, technology-enhanced learning, scientific cultural heritage, know-how exchange
The CSA - Working Workshop of the Visegrad's Consortium Project V4+ACARDC at the Faculty of Materials Science and Technology of STU in Trnava
The regional CSA-workshop of the V4+ACARDC strategic project was held in Trnava at the Faculty of Materials Science and Technology of Slovak University of Technology (STU-MTF) on 7-8. February. STU-MTF leads the project as the regional Strategic Grant #21810100 which is co-funded by the International Visegrad Fund (IVF).
It was attended by partners from Visegrad countries - universities of Ostrava, Siedlce, Budapest, STU-FEI and the Ukrainian National Academy of Educational Sciences, also the IVF responsible project manager, including researchers from departments of STU-MTF (UIAM, UPIM, ZAP).
Within the currently solved WP3 stage, the infrastructure of cloud and virtual spaces and remote desktops is being built, which is used by the Consortium for sharing and modeling of content (educational technology design, smart data corpora, IT support of publishing, scientific cultural heritage).
Since IVF is a trans-national fund, the intention is to model content outputs also in national languages of the V4 + countries by using the latest version of the developed beta-software WPadV4 by STU-MTF.
For testing purposes, this software for production of mass educational and research content is located on a remote desktop with running Windows 10, which was created by STU-MTF OKIS department. So, all partners have access to share this virtual space with the WPadV4.
The workshop also addressed some practical questions-how to perform financial management (refunding procedures, contracts and parallel accounting), or publishing activities - how to write colaborativelly scientific papers (ontology, IT for visually impaired people, scientific cultural heritage) and progress regarding the utility model with the vision of the educational robot.
Note: CSA project is a standard funding tool in Horizon 2020, however, such funding tool does not exist in the Slovak research projects system.
The planned V4+ACARDC's final project workshop in Trnava on 7-8. February is comming - V4+ Academic Research Consortium integrating databases, robotics and languages technologies Workshop Agenda
Focus is on Partner search for Horizon 2020, building of the digital platforms of the future, elimination of language barriers, technology-enhanced learning, scientific cultural heritage, know-how exchange
WP1 - partial events in Slovakia, Greece, South Africa, Ukraina, Poland :: publishing 3+1 :: proofreading 1+1 :: basic project team was enlarged by some partners
WP2 - closed: Partner Search report was issued that will be discussed on the February workshop
WP3 - launching IBM BOX shared activities (testing the cloud content and project management)
WP4, WP5 - not running, however, som activities were pre-launched (IT support of visually impaired people, how to connect a robot with WPad plain text content)
beta-WPad4+ development and testing including a modification for visually impaired people
Three versions of Christmas time song from Stefan for all
February workshop plan State-of-the art of the V4+AcaRDC project :: Information about events :: Partner Search round table :: Call for shared publishing :: WpadV4+ beta-software presenting :: Planning WP4 and WP5 activities
A renewed European Agenda for Research and Innovation - Europe's chance to shape
its future --- The European Commission's contribution to the Informal EU Leaders' meeting on
innovation in Sofia on 16 May 2018 :: Obnovena agenda EU pre vyskum a inovacie